Dear Ed
I am so pleased to hear your lute is back, and so we will soon be hearing more music, but even sweeter than on your excellent Conradi CD, if that is possible.

I am interested to hear you mention the singing quality of your lute. This is also what struck me about my 11c lute. I had heard a number of very good 11c lutes but none quite so singing. I suppose this comes from the contradictory qualities of clarity and sustain, which few lutes seem to possess.

Perhaps the hardness of the top could be the quality that our lutes might have in common. Stephen Gottlieb told me he had used a piece of perticularly old and hard timber, which happened to have a mild Bear claw pattern. Well you can certainly put it down to the new top, as that is all Dan Larson changed. I can only guess that it might be the top on my lute.

Was this wood, also from a stock of old floating logs, as I mentionned to you, in a previous message. If so, it could be both the age, and the fact that it is Adirondack?

Congratulations on the rebirth of your 11c lute. If I understand correctly, this is its second rebirth, as I believe previously it was a 7c lute.
A lute with nine lives?
Best wishes

Le 22 sept. 09 à 00:14, Edward Martin a écrit :

Dear ones,

I wrote a week or so ago, about my mishap with my 11-course
lute.  Needing a top replacement, the work is finally complete, and I
have it back.

The results are absolutely beautiful!  The top wood is gorgeous, and
the sound is very complex.  As many have described Adirondack for
tops, the treble is very clear, and very strong.  I have never heard
a new lute with such a singing treble, which makes for a very
wonderful sound.

Of course, this old lute is now in effect a new 11-course lute, after
the previous 14 year old top.  It does sound new, and it will take
time to season the sound;  in addition to guitars, Adirondack spruce
also works very well for lutes.  I highly recommend it, if one can
ever get access to this difficult-to-obtain wood.


Edward Martin
2817 East 2nd Street
Duluth, Minnesota  55812
voice:  (218) 728-1202

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