A belated "thank you" to all those who replied to the thread on Weiss

   Von: Markus Lutz <mar...@gmlutz.de>
   An: Grzegorz Joachimiak <gjoachim...@wp.pl>
   Cc: Bernhard Hofstoetter <bernhard_hofstoet...@yahoo.com>; BAROQUE-LUTE
   Gesendet: 9:54 Montag, 11.Juli 2011
   Betreff: Re: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Odp: Re: another portrait of S.L. Weiss?
   Dear Grzegorz,
   it might be possible, that there are other portraits/engravings of
   Weiss, but we don't know.
   Hoffmann wrote about the engraving of Weiss, that was published as
   frontispiz in the "Bibliothek ..." and he writes about an engraving by
   Folin on a portrait of Denner.
   As the engraving by Folin/Denner is included in the "Bibliothek" these
   seem to be the same.
   But: It is true, that we cannot be sure, if there is another engraving,
   that shows another cut-off of the engraving. Possible, but a little bit
   of fiction also, as we don't know at the moment any engraving of Weiss
   that is different from the Bibliothek-engraving.
   And in my eyes Hoffmann doesn't seem to be a good witness for this.
   Other documents that speak of another portrait of Weiss I don't know.
   Another thing is, that we have a picture of the young Johann Sigismund
   Weiss in "/Le portrait du vrai mA(c)rite dans la personne serenissime
   Monseigneur L'Electeur Palatin" by /Giorgio Maria/Rapparini/.
   And I also found in Gerber, that there was once a portrait in pastel of
   Adolf Faustinus Weiss, the son of S.L.Weiss, in the library of Hiller.
   Best regards
   Am 11.07.2011 01:05, schrieb Grzegorz Joachimiak:
   > Dear Bernhard and Markus,
   > I would like to add that I searched also others engraving portraits
   of Weiss by Folino. I think that very interesting things are so-called
   "independent" engraving (not included in "Neue Bibliothek der schAP:nen
   Wissenschaften ...", Vol. 1, 1765). These informations wrote in
   Singer's catalogue (H. W. Singer, Allgemeiner Bildniskatalog, Leipzig
   1934, no. 95597). One copy was/is (?) in Vienna National Library, two
   copies were/are in Dresden, one copy was in
   Breslau/Wroclaw-Stadtbibliothek Breslau
   > (now in Wroclaw University Library) and one (no mentioned by Singer)
   is in Paris National Library.
   > Probably an engraving from Stadtbibliothek Breslau is actually in
   Ossolinski National Institute, Department of Prints (Graphic). Look at
   [1]http://www2.oss.wroc.pl/index.php/english/ (there are only my
   presumption based on the same possessor's name who had collection of
   engravings from Stadtbibliothek Breslau. Engraving preserved in
   "Ossolineum" contains in paper no provenance sign, so I can not be
   sure). These engravings were obtained and than sold after 2nd World War
   by Mr. Zdzislaw
   > Szczyglowski from Raciborz (germ. Ratibor). Department of Prints
   (Graphic) in Wroclaw University Library also bought graphics in auction
   from Mr. Szczyglowski from Raciborz so I thought that probably there
   was the same person who sold in auction "independent" engraving with
   Weiss's portrait to Ossolineum. Actually in Wroclaw University Library
   we could find only index card connected of engraving with Weiss's
   portrait from Stadtbibliothek Breslau. I wrote short article about
   these things (cf.
   > semi-annual Polish magazine about baroque history, literature, art:
   "Barok" 17 (2010) no. 2, pp. 97-105:
   3 ).
   > In Ossolinski National Institute I found others engraving by Folino.
   In Warsaw Gallery called "Na Tlumackiem" existed among others things
   two portraits of musicians by Denner: J. A. Hasse and G. F. Haendel.
   Unfortunately this gallery actually is not exist and we do not know
   where is this collection now (A. Ryszkiewicz, Kolekcjonerzy i
   milosnicy, Warszawa 1981). By Folino in Ossolinski National Institute,
   Department of Prints in Wroclaw (Ossolineum) I found also similar
   manner of Folino's
   > engraving technique like portrait of Weiss: e.g. portrait of
   Stanislaw August with Ciolek coat of arms, bust of Adam Naruszewicz and
   Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski (follow by medallion from 1770).
   > Best wishes
   > Grzegorz
   > Dnia 10-07-2011 o godz. 22:04 Markus Lutz napisaAA'(a):
   >> Dear Bernhard,
   >> no there isn't any further portrait of Weiss, only the picture by
   >> and the engraving of this portrait.
   >> It's true, that Hoffmann writes about three, but the engraving in
   >> "Neue Bibliothek der schAP:nen Wissenschaften ...", Vol. 1, 1765, is
   >> engraving by Folin! So he is wrong.
   >> On the following site you will find a digital copy of the complete
   >> [3]http://scout.ub.uni-potsdam.de/fea/digbib/view?did=c1:209&p=1
   >> But the quality of the copy, especially of the engraving is very
   >> Also on [4]http://www.tabulatura.com you will find a better copy of
   >> Kenneth Sparr writes there:
   >> "Silvius Leopold Weiss. Copper engraving [1765] by Bartolomeo Folino
   >> [1730-after 1808] , after a  painting (c. 1740), now lost, by
   >> Denner [1685-1749].
   >> This engraving (a copy of which is in the author's collection) was
   >> included in the first volume of Neuen Bibliothek der schAP:nen
   >> Wissenschaften und freyen KA 1/4nste, Leipzig 1765. The reasons for
   >> the original painting to c. 1740 is that it shows Weiss in his
   >> years and that Denner in 1740 also portrayed Johann Adolf Hasse, who
   >> the leader of the court orchestra at Dresden. It is hardly likely
   >> the engraving was made before 1750 as Weiss died that year and
   >> was but 20 years old. Folino was born in Venice and died in Warsaw."
   >> Best regards
   >> Markus
   >> Am 10.07.2011 18:06, schrieb Bernhard Hofstoetter:
   >>> Dear lute netters,
   >>> Carl J. A. Hoffmann's "The musicians/composers of Silesia" ("Die
   >> TonkA 1/4nstler
   >>> Schlesiens"), published in Breslau in 1830, contains an entry on
   >> both
   >>> Silvius and Siegmund.
   >>> The last two sentences in the article on S.L. Weiss, in my
   >> read as
   >>> follows:
   >>> "His picture is in the library of fine arts. There is also another
   one, in
   >>> octavo format, which has been drawn by Denner and engraved by
   >> (German
   >>> original: "Sein BildniAY befindet sich in der Bibliothek der
   >>> Wissenschaften. Auch giebt es noch ein anderes in Oktav, gezeichnet
   >> Denner,
   >>> gestochen von Folin.")
   >>> It seems to me that the second sentence refers to the well-known
   >> engraving by
   >>> Folin which is based on the lost painting/drawing by Denner.
   >>> The first sentence, however, apparently refers to another portrait
   by a
   >> painter
   >>> whose name is not given.
   >>> Is Hoffmann the only source suggesting that such other portrait
   >> existed?
   >>> Can anyone shed light on this matter?
   >>> Bernhard
   >>> To get on or off this list see list information at
   >>> [5]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
   >> --
   >> Markus Lutz
   >> SchulstraAYe 11
   >> 88422 Bad Buchau
   >> Tel  0 75 82 / 92 62 89
   >> Fax  0 75 82 / 92 62 90
   >> Mail [6]mar...@gmlutz.de



   1. http://www2.oss.wroc.pl/index.php/english/
   2. http://www.neriton.apnet.pl/product_info.php?cPath=47&products_id=643
   3. http://scout.ub.uni-potsdam.de/fea/digbib/view?did=c1:209&p=1
   4. http://www.tabulatura.com/
   5. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
   6. mailto:mar...@gmlutz.de

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