In case someone wants to investigate the original title, you can see it here:

Any clarifications?


On 11/01/13 21:05, Arto Wikla wrote:
Dear baroque musicians,

I just "tubed" the curious "La prima sera" by "NB" (or "AB"?) in the ms. US-NYpMYO. Who (or what) could this "NB" be? I could not find info of that in the nice edition of the ms. by Michael Treder (Tree 2012). Maybe I did not read his analysis enough - my reading German is very slow... Anyone remembers some active composer N.B. or A.B. in Vienna around 1700? Not necessarily lutenist, for NB could also be the composer of the song? And what about the song? Anyone happens to know,where it comes from?

My plays are in

Another interesting(?) question about the form of the piece (aria?):

The piece has a short A part, four measures.
The B part has three sections, b1 (4 bars), b2 (2 bars), b3 (2 bars).
There are some "repeat marks" (well, who knows, what they actually are...;)

The written form is:
  A :|: b1 |: b2 |: b3 :|

I played it like this:
  A A b1 b2 b2 b3 b3 b1 b2 b2 b3 b3 A A

So I took the b2 as an "inside the B" repeat, and the b3 as the "petite reprise".

Perhaps the B part should be
   b1 b2 b3 b2 b3 b3?
So, first a longer "petite reprise" and then a shorter "petite reprise"?

Repeating the A at the end just felt right. There is strong sense of a "da capo" aria in this piece, at least to my understanding. No clues of that in the ms., though...

For some reason or another, Michael T. has left out the "repeat marks"(?) of the B part in his edition.

all the best,


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