
As I understand it is now possible to have a full software GSM stack in
software[1], with the stock osmocomBB since trx_toolkit target was
merged in OsmocomBB.

Many network side components have releases[2] and several distributions
already have part of the osmocom stack packaged[3][4].

To me having releases for osmocomBB as well also look interesting as
we could then more easily make packages for it. 

It could then be used to test the other components of the stack either
with hardware[5] or with pure software, or to easily install and
keep up to date the tools (osmocon, osmoload, etc).

Would the osmocomBB be interested in doing releases? Or is there
something that is preventing that from happening (lack of interest?,
lack of time/volunteers?, technical issues?).

[5]As I understand, it would require either a test license or a specific
   hardware setup with cables, attenuator(s) and a duplexer/circulator
   and to enable transmit support.


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