I am trying out the Tab2Mage importer. When starting it from the "import"
button in an experiment it quickly returns with an error. I am running it as
root on base2.4.3 having added tab2mage importer and Annotation Type and CV
Loader as plug-ins. Input file is the genepix example file found at
http://www.ebi.ac.uk/~oyeniran/pages/download.html. This is output from the
plugin window:

Name Run plugin: Tab2Mage Importer 
Priority 4 (1 = highest, 10 = lowest)  
Status Error: IMPORT FAILS: The directory containing the unzipped files
could not be found. You may NOT have sufficient Disk Space  
Percent complete   
Created 2007-10-17 13:48:51  
Started 2007-10-17 13:49:37  
Ended 2007-10-17 13:49:37  
Server mr16008.ad.medicalresearch.no  
User Root  
Experiment - none -  
Plugin Tab2Mage Importer  
Configuration - none -  

at uk.ac.ebi.nugo.plugins.Tab2MageImporter.run(Tab2MageImporter.java:286)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595) 

Job parameters
Email Server Name  
Experiment New experiment  
Zip File /home/tab2mageimporterfiles/gen2.zip  
Tab2Mage FileName with Extension tab2mage.txt  

It seems to be problems with the unzipping. When looking for the files in
the BASE filesystem I cant find them so they are probably not unzipped as
the error message may indicate. But running as root I should have
permissions and space. One strange thing I can see is that the plug-in
reports the Experiment as "- none -" even though a named experiment is given
as input parameter.

In my efforts to solve the problem I wanted to inspect the code but was
unable to find the java files referred in the stack trace. Where can I find
them? In the jar file I found only class files. I downloaded the whole
Nutribase-2.0.2-src.zip, but was unable to unpack the file properly. Are the
source files for the importer inside and if so how do I unpack the zip file?

Best regards
Vegard Nygaard
Software Engineer
Department of Tumor Biology (Montebello)
Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet Medical Center 0310 Oslo
Bioinformatics user support (NMC)
Phone 0047 22935590

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