michael watson (IAH-C) wrote:
> Hello
> I am running BASE 2.8.4 (sorry, I know it is old)
> I have added extended properties to my database.
> I added these after the database had been used, so what I have are some
> extra columns with no data in them in the reporter table
> This is the XML I used:
> <property
>                                     name="virus_family"
>                                     title="VirusFamily"
>                                     description="The virus family from
> which the reporter is derived"
>                                     column="virus_family"
>                                     type="string"
>                                     length="65535"
>                         />
> The update scripts ran fine.
> When I view reporters, the column is there, but when I sort on the
> column, I get the error:
> Property '' has one or more invalid characters. Only a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .
> is allowed.

virus_family is not allowed as a name since it has an underscore in the


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