This is really quite a long winded way of doing things.

I just dumped my entire database, removed any record of virus_family in 
anything, dropped and recreated the database and imported everything into a 
clean DB.

And then base goes and inserts virus_family into "Contexts" table and I have 
the same problem.

This is really ridiculous.

Can no-one tell me the constraint (if there is one) that I have to remove to 
stop this from happening?!

I'm beginning to think a complete re-installation would be less work!

-----Original Message-----
From: Olivier Lefevre [] 
Sent: 10 December 2009 15:28
To: BASE ML; michael watson (IAH-C)
Subject: RE: [base] Property '' has one or more invalid characters. Only a-z, 
A-Z, 0-9 and . is allowed.

> Ah ok, so BASE has built a constraint involving my new column name?

I would think so, although it's been 6 months since I had wade
into that. Suggestion: turn on full query tracing in the log by 
putting all this into your

# logging queries in BASE

and then grep the log for "virus_name". Sorry I don't remember
where the file should go.

-- O.L.

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