On 5/28/10 5:43 AM, Irina Maltseva wrote:
> I followed the installation instruction on
> http://base.thep.lu.se/chrome/site/doc/html/admindoc/installation_upgrade/installation_upgrade.html
>  and
> change the user to ‘root’ in base.config file.
> I've created base2 and dynamic.base2 on mysql server using
> ./initdb.sh [root] root

You probably read the following line in the documentation

./initdb.sh [base_root_login] base_root_password

and used it too literally. The brackets [] are there to indicate that 
the parameter is optional. If you specify the parameter you should omit 
the brackets. In your case you should type

./initdb.sh strong_password

where strong_password should be replaces with a good password. No need 
to specify the root account name if you want to use the default 'root'. 
Also, the password you used cannot be considered safe.

So you need to recreate the database. You simply delete (drop) the base2 
database and recreate it. Then you run the initdb.sh script and restart 



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