I’ve been noticing an inconsistent behavior in the GUI with BaseX 11 beta 
(build 17d8426).

I have a simple query on a database created from a CSV file. Sometimes it 
works, but sometimes the root context is evaluated as an empty sequence:

- rewrite context value: . -> ()
- rewrite util:root(nodes): util:root(()) -> ()

I notice this when I open the database as context and try to execute the query. 
After the query fails, if I try to click on the “home” icon in the result 
panel, it also returns an empty sequence, even though the database is open.

If I reopen the database and run the query, it works again.

Sample data:


Query (with DB open as context):

  for $rec in /csv/record
  where contains($rec/entry[1], "id.loc.gov")
  return $rec/entry[1]

Thanks in advance,

Tim A. Thompson (he, him)
Librarian for Applied Metadata Research
Yale University Library

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