Hi Pascal,

if you use BaseX inside a shell script or as a command line xquery processing 
tool, you may also use the -L flag:

$ basex -h 2>&1 | grep L
Usage: basex [-bcdiLosuvVwxz] [query]
  -L          Append newlines to query results

$ basex -L 'for $i in 1 to 10 return $i'

All the best,

On 04.07.2012, at 04:24, Christian Grün wrote:

> Hi Pascal,
> you can either create a new, single string via the fn:string-join() function…
>  string-join(for $i in 1 to 10 return "x","
> …or use the "output:separator" option of BaseX:
>  declare option output:separator '\n';
>  (1 to 10) ! "x"
> The second option, or a variation of it, may eventually find entrance
> into the official W3 XQuery Serialization Specification (see [1] for
> future details).
> Hope this helps,
> Christian
> [1] https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=16311
>> Anyone has a little xquery / basex tip in getting rid of the extra white
>> space that shows up at the beginning of each line after the first in the
>> following xquery
>> for $i in 1 to 10 return concat("x","
>> which in the UI returns
>> x
>> x
>> x
>> x
>> x
>> Just need a text output going to csv but this extra space is causing me
>> headaches.
>> tks
>> *P
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Alexander Holupirek
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