Hello BaseX-Talk,
I am new to the boards and BaseX in general. I have been looking for a open 
source NoSQL database with expressive query abilities and I think BaseX fits 
the bill. Its been an exciting journey as I am new to the whole X platform 
aside from the angle brackets... As I think many are.
I am currently exploring the capabilities of RestXQ and the xml stack.  I 
especially like its potential coupled with knockout.js, and a truly flexible 
RESTful metadata/hypermedia driven api. I have implemented an api of this 
nature in .Net however the metadata and querying capabilities are hindered and 
unnecessarily complex where I feel xml and XQuery make this dynamic 
orchestration quite gracefully. 
Unfortunately I am stuck now that I am exploring referential relationships and 
xml. I am trying to understand the support BaseX and XML in general has for 
referential nodes especially when dealing with queries. For example I know the 
xml standard defines id and idref however I have not been able to find any 
documentation on these in BaseX or XML in general. For example does BaseX 
handle idiosyncrasies of id and idref or must I handle these in my queries? For 
let $context := <item id="10">      <child idref="2" /><item><item id="20">     
 <child idref="2" />      <child idref="1" /></item><item id="30" />
<child id="1" name="firstChild" /><child id="2" name="secondChild" />
for $itemWithFirstChild in $context/item[child/@name = 'firstChild']return 
I would like this to return "10 20"Now this example uses a dynamic context node 
however in the application these would exist as nodes in the database...
If it does fully support this how do I enable it or get it to work?  Also what 
about XLink?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for your time.- James

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