On Mon, 2013-05-13 at 19:15 -0600, James Wright wrote:
> [...] I know the xml standard defines id and idref however I have not
> been able to find any documentation on these in BaseX or XML in
> general. For example does BaseX handle idiosyncrasies of id and idref
> or must I handle these in my queries? For example:
> let $context := <item id="10">

Note that an XML ID must be an identifier, so must start with a name
start character (a letter)...

> let $context := <item id="10">
>      <child idref="2" /><item><item id="20">      <child idref="2" />      
> <child idref="1" /></item><item id="30" />
> <child id="1" name="firstChild" /><child id="2" name="secondChild" />
> for $itemWithFirstChild in $context/item[child/@name = 'firstChild']return 
> $itemWithFirstChild/@id

I think this got garbled somewhere - e.g. there aren't enough end tags.
Make sure you turn off HTML formatting in your email program.

> I would like this to return "10 20"Now this example uses a dynamic
> context node however in the application these would exist as nodes in
> the database...
> If it does fully support this how do I enable it or get it to work?

One way to get started with BaseX would be to use the "basexgui" program
in the bin directory to create a database (there's also a command-line
program to do it; I use the Perl and PHP APIs too on

People usually do joins by value in XML and XQuery; ID/IDREF only work
with older DTD technology, or with xml:id; I don't know if BaseX has
support for them. But if it does the values must be IDs :)

So you're on the right lines.

>  Also what about XLink?

It's not used very much. As a standard it solved the wrong problems,
unfortunately. Easy for me to say in hindsight.

The XQuery Use Cases on www.w3.org/TR may be helpful; there's also a
chapter on XQuery using BaseX for examples in a book I co-authored last
year, "Beginning XML" 5th edition.


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C, http://www.w3.org/People/Quin/
Pictures from old books: http://fromoldbooks.org/
Ankh: irc.sorcery.net irc.gnome.org freenode/#xml

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