Hi all,

Is there a way to output unescaped XML to a string for debugging purposes?
In unittests we would like to output the XML returned when a test fails,
here is my example:

declare %unit:test function elementinfo-test:test-element-info()
  let $cases :=
      <comment>Failed input</comment>
        <result> output </result>
  for $case in $cases/case
  let $result := {some function which returns XML}
  let $u := unit:assert(deep-equal($case/output, result),
                        || "  Input:  " || $case/input/text()
                        || "  Expected: " || fn:serialize($case/output)
                        || "  Got: " || fn:serialize($result))
  return $u

But when a test fails, I get escaped XML as the output. Is there any way to
get  this as actual XML?

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