Hi Joe,

one solution is to use "text" as serialization method:

  serialize("<a/>", { 'method': 'text'})

As an alternative, you can specify in the query prolog (the beginning)
of your query that all results are to be output as text:

declare option output:method "text";

Hope this helps,

On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 4:59 AM, Joe Templeman <j...@inkling.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there a way to output unescaped XML to a string for debugging purposes?
> In unittests we would like to output the XML returned when a test fails,
> here is my example:
> declare %unit:test function elementinfo-test:test-element-info()
> {
>   let $cases :=
>   <cases>
>     <case>
>       <comment>Failed input</comment>
>       <input>input</input>
>       <output>
>         <result> output </result>
>       </output>
>     </case>
>   </cases>
>   for $case in $cases/case
>   let $result := {some function which returns XML}
>   let $u := unit:assert(deep-equal($case/output, result),
>                         $case/comment/text()
>                         || "  Input:  " || $case/input/text()
>                         || "  Expected: " || fn:serialize($case/output)
>                         || "  Got: " || fn:serialize($result))
>   return $u
> };
> But when a test fails, I get escaped XML as the output. Is there any way to
> get  this as actual XML?
> Thanks,
> Joe
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