Hi Shanshan,

thanks for writing to the list.

> I created one database of 1GB in size, and have a batch of read-only queries
> to be performed.
> Each query is quite simple, so there is not much room to improve.

Does your query return large results? Could you please give us an
example of one of your queries?

> All the queries are executed through XQJ api.
> If these queries are sequentially executed, it costs 5~8 seconds per query.

This sounds pretty slow. Have you compared the performance with the
time required by the BaseX GUI or the command-line?

> To speed it up, I tried to executed it in a multi-thread way. But turns out
> to be much slower than the sequential one.

This could be due to the fact that concurrent read operations lead to
random disk access patterns. I assume that your queries lead to much
disk I/O?

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