Hi :)

We are experiencing a strange bug in 7.8.1

After installing and before changing the admin password is everything ok
(client connexion, rest and restxq connexions, webdav connexion...)

But as soon as we change the admin password (best practice ? :p), the
webdav connexion becomes impossible, and so the restxq connexion with a
404, while the rest connexion remains ok, like the client one.

WEBDAV example :

With the admin/admin password :
mingarao@l100318:~$ cadaver http://localhost:8984/webdav
Authentication required for BaseX on server `localhost':
Username: admin
dav:/webdav/> ls
Listing collection `/webdav/': succeeded.
Coll:   input                                  0  avril  1 16:49
Coll:   my                                     0  avril  1 16:50
Coll:   test                                   0  avril  1 16:49

After changing the admin password
mingarao@l100318:~$ cadaver http://localhost:8984/webdav
Could not open collection:*-> doesn't even ask for a login/password*
Impossible de s'authentifier auprès du serveur: missing realm in Basic
dav:/webdav/? ls
The `ls' command can only be used when connected to the server.
Try running `open' first (see `help open' for more details).
dav:/webdav/? open http://localhost:8984/webdav
Could not open collection:
Impossible de s'authentifier auprès du serveur: missing realm in Basic

Thanks a lot :)


/« Ne travaillez jamais »/

*Maud Ingarao*
IHPC (UMR 5037)
Institut d'histoire de la pensée classique, de l'Humanisme aux Lumières
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon - Site Descartes - Bureau R322
15 Parvis René Descartes - BP7000 - 69342 Lyon CEDEX 07
+33 4 37 37 65 79 - maud.inga...@ens-lyon.fr

/Je suis absente le vendredi | Out of office on Fridays/

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