Thank you all for your answers.

I was just tryig to determine if $test/ancestor::element()[1] would be the
correct way of getting the nearest ancestor, as I couldn't find whether
axes were ordered or not in the xpath specification.


ps: Parent doesn't apply, because the relevant node is not always the
parent, but the first node with a given name.

On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 2:45 PM, David Rudel <> wrote:

> Mr. Atria,
> You left out a key element from the answer you got from stack overflow.
> Note that Dimitre's response used a filter expression
> (path expression) [predicate]
> not a simple path expression
> The ()s are critical.
> $test//child/ancestor-or-self::test[ last() ]
> is very different from
> ($test//child/ancestor-or-self::test)[ last() ]
> The ancestor axis is a reverse axis, but when the xpath expression is
> complete, the sequence of nodes are then put in document order
> regardless of what order the last axis had.
> In any event, I don't understand what is wrong with simply
> $test/ancestor::element()[1]
> Perhaps I don't understand your question (which is simpler than the
> Stack Overflow question you linked to). But if you are just looking
> for the nearest ancestor element, then it seems that
> $test/ancestor::element()[1] should give it to you.

entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem

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