
I am hoping to use this for debugging. Our project is fairly complex and I
use a controller function to apply multiple operations to content (each of
these may use one or more function). When I get a 500 error, it's very hard
for me to pinpoint the source of the issue.

I can get the data from the form filled by the user and a few of the
redirect, but that only gets me so far, if I could track both the function
names and the parameters for sub-functions, it would save me a lot of time.

Below is an example of what I call a controller... I use those when I need
content to be saved before I can query it again for the next updating
operation. Each if the workflow step uses multiple sub functions that are
not accessed through http and that are as far as I know untraceable.

(: Transforms content to xliff for each language and export packages for
translation vendors :)

*declare* %rest:path('/translation/create-package')
        %rest:query-param('menu-id', '{$menu-id}', '')
        %rest:query-param('lang', '{$lang-in}', '')
        (: The step that we were at when the function was called :)
        %rest:query-param('step-id', '{$step-id}', '0')
        %rest:query-param('package-number-in', '{$package-number-in}', '')
*updating* *function* *translation:create-package-controller*(*$menu-id* *as
**xs:string*, *$lang-in* *as **xs:string**,
                    *$package-number-in* *as **xs:string*, *$step-id* *as *


*let* *$workflow* := <steps>
                        <step *id*=*"1"* *name*=*"Add-ids"*>Add @ids for
                        <step *id*=*"2"* *name*=*"Health-check"*>DB health
check for en-us</step>
                        <!--step id="3" name="Check-keywords">Check for
keywords that may need to be replaced by prompts</step-->
                        <step *id*=*"3"* *name*=*"Process-to-xliff"*>Process
files to skeletons and xliff</step>
                        <step *id*=*"4"* *name*=*"Register-packages"*>Register
new packages in translation-management.xml... before deleting files with no
new segments.</step>
                        <step *id*=*"5"*
files in no-new-segment (could have different attributes or deleted
content) to target lang.</step>
                        <step *id*=*"6"*
no-new-segment xliffs that were processed in step Old-content-to-target.
                        <step *id*=*"7"* *name*=*"Set-target-status"*>Sets
updatibility of target topic</step>
                        <step *id*=*"8"* *name*=*"Export-and-zip"*>Export
and zip files</step>


* switch* (*$workflow*//*step*[*@id*=*$this-step*]/*data*(*@name*))
               *case *'Add-ids' *return *(:let $debug :=
file:append('debug-create-pack-crash.xml', '&#10;In Add-ids&#10;'):)
    *let **$t* := ''
                                     *return *(*admin:add-ids*('en-us'),


             *case *'Set-target-status' *return  *(:let $debug :=
file:append('debug-create-pack-crash.xml', '&#10;In
Set-target-status&#10;'):) *let **$t* := ''

                                                *return *(*for **$lg* *in *
*$lang* *return **translation:toggle-target-status*(*$lg*), *db:output*(


               *case *'Export-and-zip' *return *(*let **$zip* :=
*translation:export-and-zip*(*$menu-id*, *$lang*, *$package-number*)
                                             (:let $debug :=
file:append('debug-create-pack-crash.xml', '&#10;In Export-and-zip&#10;'):)
                                             *return *((),
               *default* *return *((), *db:output*(
*admin:display-in-dashboard*(<div><div *class*=*"l2"* *style*=*"color:red;"*
>An error has occured, you should have been redirected to the export
function before reaching this point. Default in switch steps.</div>{


On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Christian Grün <christian.gr...@gmail.com>

> Hi France,
> I would also be interested if you'd like a functionality as proposed
> by Andy, and if you are interested in improving debugging your XQuery
> code, or if you think that such a function could also be helpful in
> productive code? Do you have some more input?
> Thanks,
> Christian
> On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 7:14 PM, France Baril
> <france.ba...@architextus.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm working on improving our tracking capabilities. I was hoping to find
> a
> > function that would do the equivalent of what the code bellow does, but
> for
> > internal functions that are not called through the rest interface.
> >
> > string-join(for $name in request:parameter-names()
> >                  return $name || ':&#32;'
> >                               || string-join(request:parameter($name),
> > ';&#32;'),
> >
> >                  '&#10;')
> >
> > In short, I was wondering if there is way I can read the function's
> > parameters and their values without listing each one explicitly.
> >
> > I searched the documentation without success.
> >
> > --
> > France Baril
> > Architecte documentaire / Documentation architect
> > france.ba...@architextus.com

France Baril
Architecte documentaire / Documentation architect

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