Sorry for the delay, yes that's what I am doing. I didn't realize your
issue was on the file system. I haven't had issue validating from the file


On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 2:57 PM, Hans-Juergen Rennau <>

> Thank you, France, for sharing this. But I am not sure if I understand
> well: it seems to me you copy DTDs from the database to the file system,
> before using them for validation, and this seems to point at a problem with
> resolving references which exists only if DTDs reside in the database,
> rather than in the file system - is this so? But my problems with XSD
> validation (involving imports) occur in the file system - databases are not
> involved.
> Kind regards,
> Hans-Juergen
>   France Baril <> schrieb am 15:31
> Donnerstag, 11.September 2014:
> I just want to second that suggestion! In the mean time, Hans, what I do
> id this:
> *let **$xsd-file-path* := *fix-validation:update-file-system-dtds-xsds*(
> *$xsd*)
> *return **validate:xsd*(*$file*, *$xsd-file-path*)
> ...
> *declare function **fix-validation:update-file-system-dtds-xsds*(*$dtd* *as
> **xs:string*) *as **xs:string*{
>     *let **$to-file-sys*:= *for **$db-url* *in **db:list*('AppResources',
> 'dtds')
>                        *let* *$target-file* := *concat*('BaseX-DTDs/',
> *substring-after*(*$db-url*, 'dtds/'))
>                        (:let $debug := file:write('debug-dtd-2-file.xml',
> $target-file):)
>                        *let* *$dir* := *file:parent*(*$target-file*)
>                        *let* *$create-dir* := *if* (*file:exists*(*$dir*))
>                                           *then *()
>                                           *else **file:create-dir*(*$dir*)
>                        *return **file:write*(*$target-file*, *db:open*(
> 'AppResources', *$db-url*))
>     (: Get the new file path for db equivalent $dtd :)
>     *let* *$dtd-on-file-sys* :=  *concat*('BaseX-DTDs/', *substring-after*
> (*$dtd*, 'dtds/'))
>     (: Return path to file system copy of the DTD :)
>     *return *
> *$dtd-on-file-sys*
> };
> Our XSDs change enough and our drop cycle is fast enough, that it's worth
> doing this on each validation to avoid confusion between schema versions in
> 2 locations. We need the .xsd in BaseX because we parse them for dynamic
> documentation. Otherwise, you might want to keep the .xsd files outside of
> BaseX.
> I don't remember if that worked with .xsd, but with .dtds and .css saving
> the files as raw instead of text enabled the resolution of dependents. Of
> course, if you need to xquery your schemas, saving them as raw is not an
> option.

France Baril
Architecte documentaire / Documentation architect

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