Thank you very much, Christian, Andy and France!

I'm very glad that Andy revealed the simple cause & simple remedy - to use the 
XSD URI, rather than the XSD doc. This works fine for the scenarios I am 
currently dealing with, which are not performance critical. (I am not sure, but 
for reasons of performance it might nevertheless make sense to try and solve 
the problem arising with using the XSD doc.)

At any rate, I made a naive experiement - adding an @xml:base attribute to the 
XSD doc. Unfortunately, it did not help. Test code below.

Thanks again, good night gentlemen -

let $docURI := 'addonFetchRQ.xml'
let $xsdURI := 'external/AddonFetchRQ-1_0.xsd'

let $xsd := doc($xsdURI)
let $tns := $xsd/xs:schema/@targetNamespace
let $doc := doc($docURI)
let $docSloc :=
    document {
        element {node-name($doc/*)} {
            attribute xsi:schemaLocation {concat($tns, ' ', $xsdURI)},
            $doc/*/(@*, node())
let $xsdBase :=
    document {
        element {node-name($xsd/*)} {
            attribute xml:base {$xsd/document-uri(.)},
            $xsd/*/(@*, node())
        <result1>{validate:xsd-info($doc, $xsd)}</result1>,        (: ERROR :)
        <result2>{validate:xsd-info($docURI, $xsd)}</result2>,     (: ERROR :)
        <result3>{validate:xsd-info($docURI, $xsdBase)}</result3>, (: ERROR :)
        <result4>{validate:xsd-info($docSloc)}</result4>,          (: OK :)
        <result5>{validate:xsd-info($docURI, $xsdURI)}</result5>   (: OK, 
thanks ANDY :)


Andy Bunce <> schrieb am 18:19 Dienstag, 16.September 2014:

Well it is not clear to me what should be expected to work when some XML is 
provided as a schema that has no clear location but contains relative uri 
It looks like in Hans-Juegen's case just supplying $xsdURI instead of doc( 
$xsdURI) would work. (or  base-uri(doc( $xsdURI)) )

I think one could avoid the temporary file all together and use a 
resourceResolver [1]


On 16 September 2014 16:29, Christian Grün <> wrote:

> It looks to me that in the case where the schema is presented as XML it is
>> written to a temporary file [1] so relative includes/imports will not be
>> resolved.
>Thanks, and yes, this seems to be the problem. We could think about
>writing the temporary file to the query directory, but this may cause
>problems in certain environments.
>> /Andy
>> [1]
>> On 12 September 2014 17:03, Andy Bunce <> wrote:
>>> I think I have had this problem, and my recollection is
>>> let $xsd:=doc( $xsdURI)
>>> validate:xsd-info($doc1, $xsd)
>>> does  not work, but
>>> validate:xsd-info($doc1, $xsdURI)
>>> does. I guess the problem with the first case is that the base-uri info is
>>> not getting though to the validation component.
>>> The bigger problem of includes in XSLT or XSD not working for sources in
>>> the database would seem to require a custom resolver class.
>>> Something like those discussed [1] and [2]
>>> /Andy
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> On 12 September 2014 16:31, Christian Grün <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> > It would be wonderful if imports/includes could be automatically
>>>> > resolved -
>>>> > the "validate" module could then be extremely useful!
>>>> As we use external code for processing XSD, I'm not quite sure if we
>>>> can do something about this. - Could you possibly provide us with a
>>>> self-contained example that we can use for testing?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Christian
>>>> >
>>>> > Best regards,
>>>> > Hans-Juegen
>>>> >
>>>> > PS: My experiment:
>>>> >
>>>> > ======================================================
>>>> > let $docURI := '... a document URI ...'
>>>> > let $xsdURI := '... the corresponding schema URI ...'
>>>> >
>>>> > let $xsd := doc($xsdURI)
>>>> > let $tns := $xsd/xs:schema/@targetNamespace
>>>> > let $doc1 := doc($docURI)
>>>> > let $doc2 :=
>>>> >     document {
>>>> >         element {node-name($doc1/*)} {
>>>> >             attribute xsi:schemaLocation {concat($tns, ' ', $xsdURI)},
>>>> >             $doc1/*/(@*, node())
>>>> >         }
>>>> >     }
>>>> > return
>>>> >     <results>{
>>>> >         <result1>{validate:xsd-info($doc1, $xsd)}</result1>,
>>>> >         <result2>{validate:xsd-info($doc2)}</result2>
>>>> >     }</results>
>>>> > ======================================================
>>>> >
>>>> >   =>
>>>> >
>>>> > <results>
>>>> >   <result1>Fatal:src-resolve: Name "communication:ShoppingCartFetchRS"
>>>> > kann
>>>> > nicht als "type definition"-Komponente aufgelöst werden.</result1>
>>>> >   <result2/>
>>>> > </results>
>>>> >
>>>> >

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