Hi Alex,

> No, it's located in C:\Users\user\.basex

Oh yes, I can now see what's going wrong: In BaseX82.exe, the
BaseX82.jar file was moved into the lib directory. Because of that,
the program directory (which is the parent directory of lib) is not
correctly detected anymore.

The webapp directory will be detected if you are launching the bat
scripts from either the start menu or the program directory (e.g. via
"bin\basexhttp.bat"). However, we'll check out if we can restore the
previous behavior of the BaseX executable.

Thanks for your feedback,

>> * What happens if you start the start menu shortcut "BaseX Server
>> (Start)"?
> C:/Program Files (x86)/BaseX/.basex: writing new configuration file.
> HTTP Server was started (port: 8984)
> Now it works fine

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