
Here are a couple of minor suggestions for dba enhancement/fixes (based on
8.2.1).  I should get a PR together but that might be some time.

1. Login field tab order.
     Currently this is (1) name (2) <login bn> (3) password. Moving the
login button to after the password would make sense to me as I could then
tab through the fields.
    This could be done just be putting the button in the next row (or
setting an explicit tab order if there is some reason for the current

2. logs
   There is a little bug in the log sorting function.
The log page is /dba/*logs*?...
The field headers go to /dba/*log*?..

Also it would be nice if urls for the log display would use any supplied
query parameter for initial filtering  e.g going to


would display the logs for 2015-06-09 containing /myapp/


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