Hi Rob, no - this is no bug, as a map *is* a (special kind) of function.
Compare http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery-31/#id-maps ;[Definition: A map is a 
function that associates a set of keys with values, resulting in a collection 
of key / value pairs.]
In other words, the expression 
   map{'p':'test'} instance of function(*)
MUST yield true, as it does in BaseX, as it does with Saxon.
Kind regards,Hans-Jürgen

     Rob Stapper <r.stap...@lijbrandt.nl> schrieb am 14:51 Samstag, 25.Juli 

 <!--#yiv2659884181 _filtered #yiv2659884181 {font-family:Calibri;panose-1:2 15 
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"sans-serif";color:windowtext;}#yiv2659884181 .yiv2659884181MsoChpDefault 
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70.85pt 70.85pt 70.85pt;}#yiv2659884181 div.yiv2659884181WordSection1 {}-->Hi,  
I encountered a little but nasty to find hick-up in the typeswitch command.One 
would expect the code below to return: “map”.It returns: “function”.Looks like 
a bug to me.  typeswitch( map { 'p' : 'test'})case function(*) return 
'function'case map(*)      return 'map'default          return 'other'  Rob 

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