
I am working on some REST API code and I'm struggling with POSTing of JSON.

What I want to achieve is to have the function receive an XDM map
(from JSON using fn:parse-json). I also want to output from such a map
(in effect roundtripping some JSON).

The test POST body I'm using is:

    {"foo": "bar"}

When reading the docs I'm led to believe that this should achieve it:

    declare %rest:POST("{$body}") %rest:path("/json")
    function api:json($body)

No matter what I do I always get this as response:

    <json type="object">

Somehow I cannot force the function to receive a map(*) as $body
argument. When I wrap $body in a trace() I see that it gets XML and
not a map(*).

What am I missing? Or do I really have to go JSON > XML > map {....}?


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