…fixed, and available via the latest snapshot [1].


[1] http://files.basex.org/releases/latest

On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 5:11 PM, Christian Grün
<christian.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Marc,
>> I'm using Postman. I already had Content-Type = application/json and
>> Accept = application/json.
>> I tried changing it to application/json;format=map
> I noticed that you get different result when specify 'format=basic' or
> 'format=direct':
>   curl  -XPUT
>     -H"Content-Type:application/json;format=basic"
>     -Tinput.json "http://localhost:8984/test";
> ..so I guess something is going wrong here. I'll dive into this soon.
>> (btw do you think it's necessary to have the basex/restxq specific
>> pseudo attributes (format= etc) in the HTTP request headers?)
> You can also use %input:json(...) if you don't want to specify the
> format client-side.
>> Maybe something to forward to Adam Retter / RESTXQ?
> So far, the content-type parameter extensions have not been adopted in
> RESTXQ yet, but feel free to give him an update!
> Christian

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