Hello Scoobbs,

you are right, the main software repositories for many linux
distributions contain mostly outdated BaseX versions. Unfortunately, it
is not that easy to build correct packages for all distributions (as you
surely know, there are many Linux distributions around and there are
several relevant packing formats). Even more so, there is a not
straightforward path to follow to include software into a main
repository of a distribution, which takes time and effort.
We currently do not have this time, but we would always be happy if
users would volunteer to regularly include the latest versions at the
distribution of their choice, i.e. to include it into the official

But all is not lost: Instead of downloading the jar file, just download
the zip distribution and extract the file. There you will find the
bin/basexgui (or bin/basex for the command-line version) which you can
simply execute and everything should be up and running.

Hope this helps,

On 08/21/2015 12:03 AM, Scoobbs wrote:
> *
> ​ Looks like no one cares much for Ubuntu.
> I have version 7.7.2 installed, through the Ubuntu Software Center.
> It was just a matter of cliking here and there(actually no more than
> two clicks) and there I was.
> It even looks like BaseX realy works!!!
> ​
> ​ Well, now that I have decided to try to use it, there came a message
> saying a new version is available, namely 8.2.3.
> Alright, I agreed I should update it. But then I was taken to a site
> where something should be downloaded, in order for
> the installation to happen.
> A 'file' or 'container' with a .jar extension should be it, I thought.
> But, then again, there seemed to be no executable(or,
> easily executable) file/module/app, whatever, was found.
> So I concluded I am not as clever as most of the people building BaseX
> are. And, I ask:
> - Why is there not an actually easy way to install the application?
> - Is it so damn hard to build a thing like that?
> - Why is it so simple to implement applications included in the cited
> Ubuntu Software Center, for simple minded people like me, who can use
> effective tools like BaseX seems to be but are not capable of
> understanding(much less to use, and retain in memory, tens of cryptic
> commands?
> ​
> ​ Anyway, my intent is actually to ask someone(some good soul?) to
> update the Software Center so that one( I suppose many...) can
> fast-and-dirtly(sorry... this is just a way to show my frustration)
> use the tool.
> Thanks for any attention given to this request. And, if someone does
> anything like what I asked above, please just tell me where and what I
> must do. No need for replies nor attempts to teach me how to do it(I
> inclusively think maybe it is not that difficult to do as it is today,
> once one knows how to, but I am actually too old to learn new tricks...).
> ​
> ​ Cordially,
> ​
> Scoobbs
> ​ (who just thought he could build a simple database containing names,
> addresses, etc. about friends and family...)​
> ​ **​
> ======
> ​
> ==========================================================================================
> ​
> ​ ====​
> =
> ​ PS: ** well, maybe, with some links to other variable attibutes of
> persons, like, courses attended, graduation data etc. etc.)​
> *

Dirk Kirsten, BaseX GmbH, http://basexgmbh.de
|-- Firmensitz: Blarerstrasse 56, 78462 Konstanz
|-- Registergericht Freiburg, HRB: 708285, Geschäftsführer:
|   Dr. Christian Grün, Dr. Alexander Holupirek, Michael Seiferle
`-- Phone: 0049 7531 28 28 676, Fax: 0049 7531 20 05 22

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