Hi Christian,
I hope your vacancies where beautiful and the return will not be too hard ;-) To answer to your questions, we use actually the 8.2.3 version... I will install the last snapshot version to see if the behavior is the same. For the second question, we have actually a version of BaseX (... I will precise later the version...) that have not the problem and that is not in our IT infrastructure, using a VM, in another research center but not open to the web. I will try to learn more about the whole configuration.

I tell you all this ASAP.

Le 14/09/2015 15:51, Christian Grün a écrit :
Hi Pierre-Yves,

Finally some feedback… And only a short one: Did you check out if the
problems persist with the latest BaseX 8.3 snapshot [1]?

And maybe another question: Did you experience similar problems in a
simple setting without load balancer, Apache and HAProxy?


[1] http://files.basex.org/releases/latest/

On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 2:25 PM, Pierre-Yves JALLUD
<pierre-yves.jal...@huma-num.fr> wrote:
Hi all,
I have some troubles with BaseX request and webdav access. My situation is
the following: the acces to BaseX with webdav is with an oXygen (developer
version 17) with Ubuntu 14.0.4 and the BaseX server is running under a
Scientific Linux 64b (2.6.32-573.3.1.el6.x86_64 ... if the precision is
necessary ;)). The BaseX server is behind a web cluster using a load
balancer and an APACHE HTTP server. All the access passing thrue this server
and the different ports access are managed with HAProxy.
If the context is not clear enough, don't hesitate to ask more precisions.

The symptom is that the BaseX server is freezing after a webdav request. The
log's extracts you can find below track the following use case:
   - I try an access to http://BaseX.huma-num.fr/webdav/bvm/bvm.xml with
   - I recieve a HTTP error 500
   - I try to access to the BaseX server with my web site and more than one
minute later, I have a timeout.

... but the worst symptom is that in some cases (not always), the requested
db get corrupted and emptied (totally or partly) : resources are missing or
they throw End of File exceptions when we then try to reopen them.

This use case can appear many times a day... but not systematically. And
other colleagues have the same problems with other version of oXygen with
other OS (Windows), but allways with the same BaseX server.

Does anyone of you have an idea to solve my problem?


Some extracts of the log file:


17:13:06.694    X.X.X.X:34953    admin   REQUEST [GET]
17:13:06.845    X.X.X.X:34954    admin   REQUEST [LOCK]
17:13:06.888    X.X.X.X:34954    admin   200             43.82 ms
17:13:08.437    X.X.X.X:34953    admin   500     Unexpected error: Improper
use? Potential bug? Your feedback is welcome: Contact:
basex-talk@mailman.uni-konstanz.de Version: BaseX 8.2.1 Java: Oracle
Corporation, 1.8.0_31 OS: Linux, amd64 Stack Trace:
java.lang.RuntimeException: org.eclipse.jetty.io.EofException at
org.basex.http.webdav.BXServletResponse.close(BXServletResponse.java:80) at
org.basex.http.webdav.WebDAVServlet.run(WebDAVServlet.java:46) at
org.basex.http.BaseXServlet.service(BaseXServlet.java:64) at
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:848) at
org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(ServletHolder.java:684) at
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doHandle(ContextH...
1743.02 ms


17:15:20.041    X.X.X.X:38436    admin   REQUEST [PROPFIND]
17:15:40.067    X.X.X.X:38770    admin   REQUEST [PROPFIND]
17:16:00.078    X.X.X.X:39090    admin   REQUEST [PROPFIND]
17:16:00.170    X.X.X.X:39091    admin   REQUEST [PROPFIND]
17:16:20.194    X.X.X.X:39582    admin   REQUEST [PROPFIND]
17:17:00.904    X.X.X.X:39091    admin   200             60733.77 ms
17:17:00.907    X.X.X.X:39582    admin   200             40712.41 ms
17:17:00.909    X.X.X.X:38770    admin   200             80842.45 ms
17:17:00.910    X.X.X.X:38436    admin   200             100868.15 ms
17:17:01.004    X.X.X.X:39090    admin   200             60926.05 ms
17:19:37.189    Y.Y.Y.Y:39926    admin   ERROR   Timeout exceeded.
60000.62 ms


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