> I hope your vacancies where beautiful and the return will not be too hard

Thanks; both my vacation and my return was pretty pleasant, so I
cannot complain so far ;)

> To answer to your questions, we use actually the 8.2.3 version... I will
> install the last snapshot version to see if the behavior is the same.

I have refactored our WebDAV implementation a bit. Although I have no
real clue if my changes will have a positive effect in your
environment, I invite you to check out our latest snapshot [1] and
give us some more feedback.

Thanks in advance,

[1] http://files.basex.org/releases/latest/

> For the second question, we have actually a version of BaseX (... I will
> precise later the version...) that have not the problem and that is not in
> our IT infrastructure, using a VM, in another research center but not open
> to the web. I will try to learn more about the whole configuration.
> I tell you all this ASAP.
> Greatings
> Pierre-Yves
> Le 14/09/2015 15:51, Christian Grün a écrit :
>> Hi Pierre-Yves,
>> Finally some feedback… And only a short one: Did you check out if the
>> problems persist with the latest BaseX 8.3 snapshot [1]?
>> And maybe another question: Did you experience similar problems in a
>> simple setting without load balancer, Apache and HAProxy?
>> Thanks,
>> Christian
>> [1] http://files.basex.org/releases/latest/
>> On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 2:25 PM, Pierre-Yves JALLUD
>> <pierre-yves.jal...@huma-num.fr> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have some troubles with BaseX request and webdav access. My situation
>>> is
>>> the following: the acces to BaseX with webdav is with an oXygen
>>> (developer
>>> version 17) with Ubuntu 14.0.4 and the BaseX server is running under a
>>> Scientific Linux 64b (2.6.32-573.3.1.el6.x86_64 ... if the precision is
>>> necessary ;)). The BaseX server is behind a web cluster using a load
>>> balancer and an APACHE HTTP server. All the access passing thrue this
>>> server
>>> and the different ports access are managed with HAProxy.
>>> If the context is not clear enough, don't hesitate to ask more
>>> precisions.
>>> The symptom is that the BaseX server is freezing after a webdav request.
>>> The
>>> log's extracts you can find below track the following use case:
>>>    - I try an access to http://BaseX.huma-num.fr/webdav/bvm/bvm.xml with
>>> oXygen
>>>    - I recieve a HTTP error 500
>>>    - I try to access to the BaseX server with my web site and more than
>>> one
>>> minute later, I have a timeout.
>>> ... but the worst symptom is that in some cases (not always), the
>>> requested
>>> db get corrupted and emptied (totally or partly) : resources are missing
>>> or
>>> they throw End of File exceptions when we then try to reopen them.
>>> This use case can appear many times a day... but not systematically. And
>>> other colleagues have the same problems with other version of oXygen with
>>> other OS (Windows), but allways with the same BaseX server.
>>> Does anyone of you have an idea to solve my problem?
>>> Thanks
>>> Pierre-Yves
>>> Some extracts of the log file:
>>> ...
>>> 17:13:06.694    X.X.X.X:34953    admin   REQUEST [GET]
>>> http://BaseX.huma-num.fr/webdav/bvm/bvm.xml
>>> 17:13:06.845    X.X.X.X:34954    admin   REQUEST [LOCK]
>>> http://BaseX.huma-num.fr/webdav/bvm/bvm.xml
>>> 17:13:06.888    X.X.X.X:34954    admin   200             43.82 ms
>>> 17:13:08.437    X.X.X.X:34953    admin   500     Unexpected error:
>>> Improper
>>> use? Potential bug? Your feedback is welcome: Contact:
>>> basex-talk@mailman.uni-konstanz.de Version: BaseX 8.2.1 Java: Oracle
>>> Corporation, 1.8.0_31 OS: Linux, amd64 Stack Trace:
>>> java.lang.RuntimeException: org.eclipse.jetty.io.EofException at
>>> org.basex.http.webdav.BXServletResponse.close(BXServletResponse.java:80)
>>> at
>>> org.basex.http.webdav.WebDAVServlet.run(WebDAVServlet.java:46) at
>>> org.basex.http.BaseXServlet.service(BaseXServlet.java:64) at
>>> javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:848) at
>>> org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(ServletHolder.java:684) at
>>> org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doHandle(ServletHandler.java:503)
>>> at
>>> org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle(ScopedHandler.java:137)
>>> at
>>> org.eclipse.jetty.security.SecurityHandler.handle(SecurityHandler.java:557)
>>> at
>>> org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.doHandle(SessionHandler.java:231)
>>> at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doHandle(ContextH...
>>> 1743.02 ms
>>> ...
>>> 17:15:20.041    X.X.X.X:38436    admin   REQUEST [PROPFIND]
>>> http://BaseX.huma-num.fr/webdav/skepsis/Cicero_De_Finibus.xml
>>> 17:15:40.067    X.X.X.X:38770    admin   REQUEST [PROPFIND]
>>> http://BaseX.huma-num.fr/webdav/skepsis/Cicero_De_Finibus.xml
>>> 17:16:00.078    X.X.X.X:39090    admin   REQUEST [PROPFIND]
>>> http://BaseX.huma-num.fr/webdav/skepsis/
>>> 17:16:00.170    X.X.X.X:39091    admin   REQUEST [PROPFIND]
>>> http://BaseX.huma-num.fr/webdav/bvm/bvm.xml
>>> 17:16:20.194    X.X.X.X:39582    admin   REQUEST [PROPFIND]
>>> http://BaseX.huma-num.fr/webdav/bvm/bvm.xml
>>> 17:17:00.904    X.X.X.X:39091    admin   200             60733.77 ms
>>> 17:17:00.907    X.X.X.X:39582    admin   200             40712.41 ms
>>> 17:17:00.909    X.X.X.X:38770    admin   200             80842.45 ms
>>> 17:17:00.910    X.X.X.X:38436    admin   200             100868.15 ms
>>> 17:17:01.004    X.X.X.X:39090    admin   200             60926.05 ms
>>> 17:19:37.189    Y.Y.Y.Y:39926    admin   ERROR   Timeout exceeded.
>>> 60000.62 ms
>>> ...

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