At the risk of a) sounding like a real newbie  b) being accused of not Googling 
for an answer (which I did - but apparently overlooked)
I am wondering how I can bind an external variable using just XQuery syntax in 
the BaseX GUI.
I have found how to set the variable via command line options, and how to do it 
in Java, but I merelywanted to run a quick interactive test in the GUI  to test 
an idea of mine (before writing a bunch of Java code).What I have done is in a 
tab in the GUI, I have included the module, and before running a function, want 
to set that external variable.
Surprisingly I found myself at a loss on how to do what appears to be a simple 
So, thanks in advance for any help....and for the rest of this community for 
not laughing at me too loudly

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