
I'm planning to relaunch my website (kleist-digital.de) with OpenShift as 
BaseX-Server. After some difficulties and a lot of help from Christian and Andy 
the server is running now.

I took a look at RESTXQ and it seems quite interesting to build the whole 
frontend for my app with it. Some questions I have:

1. I'm working with a basic layout for all pages. This basic layout-file 
includes header, footer and changing content. What is the best approach with 
RESTXQ. How to build a modular concept with RESTXQ?

2. Is there any site-structure preferred?

3. Most of the site is dynamic. But I need also static files like images, css, 
javascript. Where to put them best (so that the Openshift-Server can handle 

Thanks for any advice and help.


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