Hi Marco,

thanks for the tipps. I’ll try them.


> Am 12.04.2016 um 09:52 schrieb Marco Lettere <m.lett...@gmail.com>:
> BTW, in BaseX every xqm module containing RestXQ annotated functions and 
> stored inside the webapp folder will be handled as RestXQ entrypoint thus you 
> can write your functions where ever you prefer.
> Ciao,
> M.
> On 12/04/2016 07:51, kleist-digital wrote:
>> Hi Christian, hi Marco,
>> I checked the docs and I managed a solution, but it’s combined with the more 
>> classical assemble-page approach. [1]
>> In Marco’s approach using xquery:invoke there is an index.xqm, which handles 
>> all XQuery annotations for RESTXQ. They are all based an %rest:GET, but for 
>> handling forms, I need a %rest:PUT annotation. I can’t figure out, where to 
>> put it. Or in generell: is the index.xqm the only place, where all 
>> annotations are handled?
>> Comparing the two approaches with the functions assemble-page and 
>> xquery:invoke for me the last one is more intuitive, so it would be nice, to 
>> get it run.
>> Thanks for help,
>> Günter
>> [1] https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/XQuery/Creating_XQuery_Functions
>>> Am 11.04.2016 um 19:57 schrieb Christian Grün <christian.gr...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi Günter,
>>> I recommend you to check out our RESTXQ documentation [1], and the
>>> example you get displayed after starting basexhttp and visiting
>>> http://localhost:8984/. In the next step, the DBA code should give you
>>> many helpful hints (but it may be too advanced to start off with).
>>> Hope this helps
>>> Christian
>>> [1] http://docs.basex.org/wiki/RESTXQ
>>> On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 3:50 PM, kleist-digital
>>> <kle...@mail.dunzwolff.de> wrote:
>>>> Hi Marco,
>>>> one problem I achieved: how to handle a simple search-form with your 
>>>> approach or with RESTXQ in generell?
>>>> I have to modules: search.xqm and results.xqm.
>>>> - How do I have to handle the RESTXQ-Annotations in index.xqm and or 
>>>> searchxqm, so that the query-params are transferred to results.xqm?
>>>> - What kind if form-action is necessary to get from /search to /results?
>>>> I tried different things, but didn’t succeed. Perhaps you have an advice? 
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> Herzlich gegruesst,
>>>> Günter
>>>>> Am 10.04.2016 um 22:36 schrieb Marco Lettere <m.lett...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hi Günter,
>>>>> sorry for the delay but here you go with a very small example that should 
>>>>> show off what I told.
>>>>> You can copy the .xqm files into the webapp dir of a basex installation 
>>>>> and and the .css files into the corresponding static folder.
>>>>> Then invoke the "entrypoint" RestXQ from within your browser with an url 
>>>>> similar to
>>>>> http://localhost:8984/myapp/page1?user=Marco
>>>>> As you can see the HTML page built from the entrypoint is composed of 
>>>>> three parts. One that selects the styles to apply according to the user 
>>>>> being anonymous or not.
>>>>> Then a common header markup is generated and finally a dynamic part that 
>>>>> depends on the page element of the path.
>>>>> It's really not anything special but nevertheless it should be useful in 
>>>>> clarifying the approach.
>>>>> Hoffe es gefaellt dir.
>>>>> Herzliche Gruesse,
>>>>> Marco.
>>>>> On 10/04/2016 17:36, Günter Dunz-Wolff wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Marco,
>>>>>> it’s me again. Just to be more specific, I’m especially interested in 
>>>>>> your approach
>>>>>> - to pass parametric values into the „exploded“ modules
>>>>>> - to map requests to module invocations by exploiting REST path segments
>>>>>> It would be really helpful, to get some snippets of your code. Tanks a 
>>>>>> lot.
>>>>>> Ciao, Günter
>>>>>>> Am 08.04.2016 um 10:13 schrieb Marco Lettere <m.lett...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> Hi Günter,
>>>>>>> we have worked on several web applications that include a frontend and 
>>>>>>> we are very happy with using basex for serving both static (scripts, 
>>>>>>> css, images) and dynamic (markup) content.
>>>>>>> One pattern that we've used often and that we find very productive is 
>>>>>>> to split markup content into different .xqm modules.
>>>>>>> The modules are called through the xquery:invoke function in order to 
>>>>>>> "explode" their output into the main page.
>>>>>>> In our opinion this is a good approach because it is applicable 
>>>>>>> recursively to sub-modules. Content of modules may be dynamic as well 
>>>>>>> and parametric values are passed into the module through external 
>>>>>>> variables.
>>>>>>> Finally, it is possible to set up an automatic way of mapping requests 
>>>>>>> to module invocations by exploiting REST path segments for example.
>>>>>>> I hope I have been able to explain it well enough otherwise, just let 
>>>>>>> me know and as soon as possible I'll provide an example code snippet 
>>>>>>> that demonstrates the approach.
>>>>>>> Ciao,
>>>>>>> Marco.
>>>>>>> On 07/04/2016 17:08, Günter Dunz-Wolff wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> I'm planning to relaunch my website (kleist-digital.de) with OpenShift 
>>>>>>>> as BaseX-Server. After some difficulties and a lot of help from 
>>>>>>>> Christian and Andy the server is running now.
>>>>>>>> I took a look at RESTXQ and it seems quite interesting to build the 
>>>>>>>> whole frontend for my app with it. Some questions I have:
>>>>>>>> 1. I'm working with a basic layout for all pages. This basic 
>>>>>>>> layout-file includes header, footer and changing content. What is the 
>>>>>>>> best approach with RESTXQ. How to build a modular concept with RESTXQ?
>>>>>>>> 2. Is there any site-structure preferred?
>>>>>>>> 3. Most of the site is dynamic. But I need also static files like 
>>>>>>>> images, css, javascript. Where to put them best (so that the 
>>>>>>>> Openshift-Server can handle them)?
>>>>>>>> Thanks for any advice and help.
>>>>>>>> Günter
>>>>> <styles.xqm><page1.xqm><style2.css><style1.css><commonheader.xqm><index.xqm>

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