
I'm sorry for the vague report. I can do more digging but it's
happening deep inside some code and it's hard to pinpoint.

In 8.4.3 I get the following error message:

[XPTY0004] Function must not be updating: %updating function($result,$tran....

In 8.4.2 and before the same code works as expected.

What I can say that it's happening in a fold-left function which in
it's body uses an xslt transform (using Saxon). I have
MIXUPDATES=true. I'm not touching the database inside this code but I
can say that the fn call in which the fold-left is located does
contain a couple of db:* functions (but they are not in the active
code path). That's all I can offer at the moment.

I'm happy to do some more digging later but I wanted to post this just
in case it gives someone a hunch and it's only introduced since 8.4.2.
Also tried 8.4.4-SNAPSHOT and there it's broken too.


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