
I'm new to BaseX, and I'm setting up a simple web application (on Mac/Unix, 
using the ZIP distribution of BaseX). I'm unable to bring in static files like 
CSS. Following the documentation and the "dba" web application that comes with 
BaseX, I have included the following in the HTML:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="static/app.css"/>

to point to a file that resides here:


I have a module sitting here:


with a function with these annotations:


When I point my browser to http://localhost:8984/bookplates/ the server 
successfully returns the HTML, but when the browser tries to load the CSS it 
requests http://localhost:8984/bookplates/static/app.css and the server 
responds with a 404 saying "No function found that matches the request" as if 
the server is looking for a RESTXQ function.

What am I doing wrong?


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