Hi Christian,
I tried the approach of serving static web resources from RestXQ.
First I encountered a problem related to my js files being served to the browser as b64 encoded and the browser isn't able to interpret the script. So I modified the code in order to recognize text resources and apply file:read-text but then the < are escaped to &lt; and again the browser complains with syntax errors.
What am I missing here?
I'm trying with the latest snapshot, btw.
This is the code I'm using

function ui:resources($resource as xs:string){
  let $path := file:base-dir() || 'resources/' || $resource
  let $mediatype := web:content-type($path)
  return (
    web:response-header(map { 'media-type': $mediatype }),
    if (matches($mediatype, "^text/.+")) then file:read-text($path)
    else file:read-binary($path)

Thanks for your support,

On 03/05/2016 02:59, Murray, Gregory wrote:
Hi Christian,

Thanks for the hints! I see that using webapp/static does work, but I prefer to 
keep all files related to an app together under one directory, so I'll use the 
second option you provided -- using RESTXQ.

Many thanks,

From: Christian Grün [christian.gr...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 3:20 AM
To: Murray, Gregory
Cc: basex-talk@mailman.uni-konstanz.de
Subject: Re: [basex-talk] Web application static files

Hi Greg,

Thanks for your mail. If you are working with the ZIP distribution,
you could compare your code with the RESTXQ examples in the restxq.xqm

I assume you get 404 because your static directory is a sub-directory
of bookplates. Here are two things you can do:

* Move your static directory from "webapp/bookplates" to "webapp"
* Deliver static files via RESTXQ (see common.xqm and the REST path

Does this help?

On Sun, May 1, 2016 at 6:43 PM, Murray, Gregory
<gregory.mur...@ptsem.edu> wrote:

I'm new to BaseX, and I'm setting up a simple web application (on Mac/Unix, using the ZIP 
distribution of BaseX). I'm unable to bring in static files like CSS. Following the 
documentation and the "dba" web application that comes with BaseX, I have 
included the following in the HTML:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="static/app.css"/>

to point to a file that resides here:


I have a module sitting here:


with a function with these annotations:


When I point my browser to http://localhost:8984/bookplates/ the server successfully 
returns the HTML, but when the browser tries to load the CSS it requests 
http://localhost:8984/bookplates/static/app.css and the server responds with a 404 saying 
"No function found that matches the request" as if the server is looking for a 
RESTXQ function.

What am I doing wrong?


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