What are your intentions? Are you really interested in a raw representation
of your input?

Am 11.03.2017 21:24 schrieb "mark bordelon" <markcborde...@yahoo.com>:

> Christian, thank you.
> Can you give me an example of the syntax (e.g. command + param) of the
> RETRIEVE command in my case?
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Christian Grün <christian.gr...@gmail.com>
> *To:* mark bordelon <markcborde...@yahoo.com>
> *Cc:* BaseX <basex-talk@mailman.uni-konstanz.de>
> *Sent:* Saturday, March 11, 2017 12:21 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [basex-talk] RETRIEVE
> Hi Mark,
> Each resource is stored as either an XML document or a binary file (raw
> data) [1]. You can only retrieve resources as raw data of they have been
> stored as binaries.
> Hope this helps,
> Christian
> [1] http://docs.basex.org/wiki/Binary_Data
> Am 11.03.2017 21:16 schrieb "mark bordelon" <markcborde...@yahoo.com>:
> I am trying to retreieve the raw xml from a document and think I should
> use the RETRIEVE command, right? What is the ID that I pass as the argument?
> Here is what I have tried with the error:
> > *list*
> Name      Resources  Size     Input Path
> ------------------------------ ----------
> greek     2          2942906
> latin     184        9942769
> semantic  785        257685
> 3 database(s).
> > *list greek*
> Input Path                      Type  Content-Type     Size
> ------------------------------ ------------------------------
> PROSE~aristotle~Rhetoric1       xml   application/xml  99387
> PROSE~CONVERSATION~ GreekPrimer  xml   application/xml  20260
> > *open greek*
> Database 'greek' was opened in 2.9 ms.
> > *retrieve PROSE~aristotle~Rhetoric1*
> *Resource "PROSE~aristotle~Rhetoric1" not found.*

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