Just use "replace node" instead of "replace value of node". Feel free to
check out our documentation, it contains more information.

Am 14.03.2017 18:42 schrieb "mark bordelon" <markcborde...@yahoo.com>:

> Guten Tag, die Herren!
> I have a question about how I can insert, replace a node with a DOM node,
> instead of the text of that node.
> Right now when I
> 1) execute from the basex shell this command:
> *xquery replace value of node /text//sent[@id=15] with* *<sent
> id=15><clause><word/><word/><word/></clause></sent>*
> 2) and then look at that node again with
> *xquery /text//sent[@id=15]*
> i see that the dom has been converted into a text node of *&lt;sent
> id=15&gt;&lt;clause&gt;&lt;word/&gt;&lt;word/&gt;&lt;word/&gt;&lt;/clause&gt;&lt;/sent&gt;*
> How can I replace with true DOM and not have it convert to text?

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