Ok. Interesting. Please someone note this in the Wiki so there are no surprises. For the ! syntax I can just stick with for in return but missing map {} is a reason to switch to dba.

Best regards


Am 04.09.2017 um 17:14 schrieb Charles Foster:
Hi Michael,

BaseX XQJ supports XQuery 3.0 syntax I believe, but not XQuery 3.1 specific syntax.

It would be possible to update the XQJ driver to support XQuery 3.1 syntax, but it would mean upgrading the internal XQuery parser and re-writer.

Omar, as a work around you could potentially use equivalent functions in the standard F&O library (fn).

Kind Regards,


On 4 Sep 2017, at 22:02, Michael Seiferle <m...@basex.org <mailto:m...@basex.org>> wrote:

Hi Omar,
/cc Hi @Charles,

you are right, this has nothing to with oXygen in particular!
Yet: I am not even sure if XQJ is meant to support anything but XQuery 1.0. Charles might correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t think there’s an easy way to add 3.1 features to the current XQJ implementation.

Best from Konstanz


Am 04.09.2017 um 16:42 schrieb Omar Siam <omar.s...@oeaw.ac.at <mailto:omar.s...@oeaw.ac.at>>:

Good idea but I was pretty sure that this comes from within BaseX not oXygen. You can configure the parser and the executor of your XQuery in oXygen und I used BaseX for both.

So I found in basex-examples a XQJ tutorial. And just by changing Part1.java a little and filling in the example query from the Wiki I also get

  XQJQS001 - Invalid XQuery syntax, syntax does not pass static validation.
  Root Cause:
  net.xqj.basex.bin.bB: Lexical error at line 1, column 12.  Encountered: " " (32), after : "!"   at org.basex.examples.xqj.tutorial.simplemaptest.main(simplemaptest.java:34)   at org.basex.examples.xqj.tutorial.simplemaptest.main(simplemaptest.java:34)

So most probably BaseX'es XQJ parser does not understand the simple map operator.

XQSequence xqjs = xqje.executeQuery("xquery version \"3.1\"; (1 to 10) ! element 
node { . }");

Am 04.09.2017 um 15:37 schrieb Michael Seiferle:
Hi Omar,

Looks like that error message is generated by oXygen; you might want to 
crosspost to their list.


Am 04.09.2017 um 14:31 schrieb Omar Siam<omar.s...@oeaw.ac.at>:


I just tried to use ther Simple Map Operator while writing an XQuery in oXygen 
XML and executing the query using a client/server BaseX 8.6.6 data source. I 
configured it as described here:http://docs.basex.org/wiki/Integrating_oXygen

When I use the Simple Map Operator (!) I only get "Invalid XQuery syntax, syntax does not pass 
static validation.". For example using "(1 to 10) ! element node { . }"

If I run that XQuery in DBA for example it works.

Any ideas?

Best regards

Omar Siam

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