> I don't know how many implementers we have on this list, outside of Christian 
> and co., but thought you all might find it interesting.

Everyone: raise your hands and get involved ;)

Michael’s initiative to push for a new version of XQuery, XPath & co.
is very promising indeed. If you are interested in sharing your ideas
which features you would like to see in a new version: Now may still
be a good time for it!

> PS I found this announcement on the XML.com Slack channel, fyi.
> [1] Mike Kay's post from Slack:
> I've been working on fleshing out my ideas for XSLT/XPath 4.0, based on my 
> XML Prague paper earlier this year. I'm hoping to gather together a community 
> group of some kind to take this forward; meanwhile I've published a very 
> preliminary set of drafts:
> XSLT: https://www.saxonica.com/qt4specs/XT/Overview-diff.html
> F&O: https://www.saxonica.com/qt4specs/FO/Overview-diff.html
> XPath: https://www.saxonica.com/qt4specs/XP/xpath-40-diff.html
> XQuery: https://www.saxonica.com/qt4specs/XQ/xquery-40-diff.html
> Preparing for the rotten tomatoes: let me know what you think and whether you 
> want to participate.
> NOTE: each document has a summary of changes at the end. It's probably best 
> to go there first.

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