Thanks for your feedback. I haven't found a Python API around the BaseX 
client. For convenience, I carried out my first tests with a bash script. In 
the meantime, I carried out other tests by creating Java processes from a 
Python script. I observe roughly identical performance differences. The 
Python/bash difference for the calling script does not seem to explain the 
observed performance differences.

De : Hans-Juergen Rennau <>
Envoyé : vendredi 19 avril 2024 11:25
À :; ANDRADE Antonio 
Objet : Re: [basex-talk] Performance issue with BaseX CLI

Hi Antonio,

my experience is very different - quite comparable performance, except for 
very specific cases, e.g. massive use of fn:idref(). Furthermore, the 
performance of BaseX is often so stupendous that an improvement by an order 
of magnitude (not to mention two) appears to me very difficult to imagine.

It makes me suspicious that one of your scripts is .py, the other .sh. I 
believe the scripts used for comparing should be absolutely analogous.

Kind regards,


Am Freitag, 19. April 2024 um 10:46:00 MESZ hat ANDRADE Antonio 
< <> > 
Folgendes geschrieben:


For the purposes of European Water Framework Directive reporting, I compared 
the performances of the Saxon and BaseX XQuery engines. I observe a 
performance gap of a factor of 100 to 200 depending on the use case (see 
functions test_xquery_monitoring() and test_xquery_multischema_2022() in 
scripts and available at 
 ) Can you please help me understand the reasons for such gaps ?

Thanks in advance,

Antonio Andrade

Date engineer

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