BASFA Meeting 1337 - at the Black Bear Diner
March 14, 2016

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
MARCH 21 WILL BE AT: Faz = 181 E Tasman Dr, San Jose, [where Josh works]

Began 8-ish pm - with pie, yummy, yummy pie
33 people attended

we established a party jar

The minutes of meeting 1336 were accepted as 'Chuck reads for pie'

The Treasurer reported that last week we took in $19.24 in the regular jar

The Vice President had nothing fannish to report

The President had nothing fannish to report, but did say 'hi' to folks
visiting us for the 1st time:  William Middleton, Boris and Ronald Fischer

The Sports Committee reported that there are 5 tickets remaining for the
Giants/Rockies game on Friday, May 6, in the view reserve [section 317] at
a price of $28.   PLUS Ken has tickets for the Saturday, 5pm, May 14, SJ
Giants Star Wars night game in the Martinelli Plaza for $49 each & needs a
minimum of 15 to buy in [we're currently at 12] .. and this includes food,
2 alcoholic beverages & programs

The Site Selection committee is looking for new meeting sites.  Our next
meetings will be at:
   March 21 at Faz = 181 E Tasman Dr, San Jose, [where Josh works]
   March 28 at Black Bear Diner = 174 W. Calaveras Blvd, Milpitas
   April 4 at Mimi’s Cafe = 1200 El Paseo de Saratoga, San Jose, CA  95130
   April 11 Lyon’s =  4233 Moorpark Ave, San Jose, CA  95129
   April 18 = TBA
   April 25 Lyon’s =  4233 Moorpark Ave, San Jose, CA  95129

Adrienne announced that there is a Bay Area Ghost Hunters Meet Up scheduled
for March 26, 5pm at Kat's in Los Gatos

Ken announced that Camera 12 in SJ will have Retrodome sing-a-longs on
weekends in April & May, check

John O announced that Silicon Valley Comic Con will be this weekend, with
diverse panels and guests, Mo adding that her daughter will be in the
Artist's Alley & that books will be given away at the Journey Planet table
[manned by Chuck & Chris Garcia]

Andy announced that he has stuff for Dave & has SJ in 2018 flyers & ribbons
to give out

[tall] Kevin announced that he still has a box of books that someone bought
& handed to him at Worldcon & asked him to drive back & he can't remember
who gave it to him & announced that Cheryl Morgan is in Toronto right now &
sends her best wishes

Tom announced that Potlatch is free this year and will be at the SJ Public
Library this Saturday, 3pm - and will try to do a Skype Q&A with Leonard

[evil] Kevin announced that they are doing a SJ in 2018 party at Eastercon
in Manchester England, April 24-27

Ronald Fischer announced that he has copies of his books to hand out

Bill reviewed Fogcon as wet there & back, a literary con & he mostly
enjoyed it & thought it worth full price; Andy agreed and had a good time;
then Bill reviewed 'Zootopia' as pretty good

Mo reviewed getting a 20-year-old+ beehive removed humanely as worth full

Adrienne reviewed 'Doc Martin' as bing-watched & enjoyed, then reviewed
seeing 3 seasons of 'Ballykissangel' as good viewing for St. Patrick day

John O reviewed 'As you Wish', the Cary Elwes rememberance as he enjoyed it

I reviewed 'Gods of Egypt' as very shiny & pretty, but done with less than
a thimble's worth of plot, enjoyed as a fantasy flick as long as I didn't
try to connect it with Egyptian mythology at all, then Trey followed,
equating the deities shown as furry archetypes & worth matinee

Ken reviewed seeing 2 Harold Lloyd films at Cinequest with organ
accompanyment as worth full price

We did auctions

we adjourned at 9:27 pm

there was no official rumor of the week


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