Quoting Michael Siladi (msil...@ix.netcom.com):

> Hey!
> Open message [RM: payload URL snipped]
> msil...@ix.netcom.com

Imprtant note:  That was _not_ from Michael Siladi, and not from his ISP
Netcom, but rather a spammer forgery -- as can be seen in the SMTP

  Received: from msa02a.plala.or.jp (msa02.plala.or.jp [])
          by che.dreamhost.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 09C2310579
          for <basfa@lists.basfa.org>; Thu, 24 Mar 2016 10:18:56 -0700 (PDT)

BASFA's mailing list is hosted at Dreamhost, which accepted in this case 
incoming mail from IP address, an Internet server at
plala.or.jp, which is NTT Plala, Inc., a major consumer ISP in Japan --
where the spam was probably injected into the outbound mail stream by a
malware-infected customer MS-Windows desktop machine.

Michael is blameless in all of this.  He didn't send it, his own machine
isn't malware-infected, his ISP password hasn't been stolen, and his ISP
isn't involved.

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