Thomas E Deweese wrote:

>    Finally, Thierry, as I recall there was some debate over how
> gradients that use the same stop value twice should be handled, what
> is implemented in Batik doesn't match my recollection of the
> discussion.  Right now Batik deletes the first stop at the value, I
> think it should keep it and have the gradient have a discontinuity:
> So the following:
>         <radialGradient id="rgDefaults">
>             <stop offset=".0" stop-color="gold" />
>             <stop offset=".5" stop-color="crimson" />
>             <stop offset=".5" stop-color="gold" />
>             <stop offset="1." stop-color="crimson" />
>         </radialGradient>
>    Should produce a gradient that goes from gold at zero to crimson at
> _just_ before 0.5.  Then at 0.5 it suddenly switches back to gold and
> starts back to crimson at 1.0.  So it is approx equivalent to:
>         <radialGradient id="rgDefaults">
>             <stop offset=".0" stop-color="gold" />
>             <stop offset=".49999999999" stop-color="crimson" />
>             <stop offset=".5" stop-color="gold" />
>             <stop offset="1." stop-color="crimson" />
>         </radialGradient>
>    If you agree with my thinking then I will check in an updated
> version of the gradient bridge that does this.

I agree it is the right behavior that you just described. What I found
strange, is that I tought I corrected this problem several months ago in
the MultipleGradientPaintContext code! And that theorically, it should
work . I don't understand how all of this happened, but anyway, you can
correct it of course!


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