On Wednesday 11 July 2001 15:14, Thomas E Deweese wrote:
> >>>>> "TK" == Thierry Kormann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> TK> On Tuesday 10 July 2001 19:38, Thomas E Deweese wrote: Hi,
> >> Since this is your 100% typical speed vs. quality tradeoff it seems
> >> pretty clear that for color-rendering (perhaps shape rendering?)
> >> set to optimizeSpeed gradient anti-aliasing should be off for
> >> optimizeQuality it should be on.  This of course leaves the
> >> question of what to do in the default case.
> TK> That makes sence.
> TK> I agree that the default should by antialisingOff.
>     Well, actually I wasn't proposing that :)

Well, your proposal sounds good - this is what I was thinking when writing 
the email :)

>     Please take a look at samples/tests/radialGradient2.svg with and
> without the anti-aliasing code before deciding anti-aliasing should be
> off (you need to play with the USE_ANTI_ALIAS static in
> RadialGradientPaintContext).

I will. May be we could start thinking of the antialising clipping you have 
done before and was so nice as now the rendering hints work.

>     Should I key off shape-rendering or color-rendering?  Neither is a
> great fit but I think of shape-rendering as just the edges of
> filled/stroked objects, color-rendering starts getting to how precise
> the rendering engine should be about color handling.  I guess for now
> I'll key off shape-rendering since that is implemented.

Well, I will say KEY_COLOR_RENDERING or KEY_RENDERING or both. BTW I set 
multiple J2D rendering hints per SVG hint (because there is not a one one 
matching and because of text - eg. text can be rendered using shape so g2d 
will consider shape rendering hints instead of text ones).

>     Just an FYI, the bridge was killing the previous stop, so it never
> made it to the gradient code (which does properly handle the case).
> My small fix in the abstract gradient bridge class fixed this.  My new
> test tests this case as well.

Yes, that was not really clear in the previous specs or at least the one I 
used while implementing the gradient bridges. Now I have seen that an example 
has been added and the behavior you and christophe described is the correct 
one. good catch.


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