
I've had a look at this and I don't believe it's a bug.
The dx and dy tspan attributes simply adjust the 
"current text position" and the adjustment is not reversed
when a tspan ends. If you have a look at the "But you are a
peach!" tspan example in the spec, the "a peach!" position
is relative to the previous tspan.
Batik used to have a bug where this adjustment was lost 
sometimes, but I fixed this a while ago. 

I have also looked at your example with Adobe's
viewer and it displays the same as Batik.

What you probably want to use is the baseline-shift
property. For example:

<text x="10" y="30" style="font-size:12pt;">
        H<tspan style="baseline-shift:sub">2</tspan>O 
      and e=mc<tspan style="baseline-shift:super">2</tspan>

I hope this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dean Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 3:36 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; J. David Eisenberg
Subject: Re: <tspan dy=""> bug?

Thomas verified this is a bug yesterday. Unfortunately
Bella is from far North Queensland and is therefor genetically required to
take a holiday during the cold Canberra winter. She'll be back
on Monday.


On Sun, 08 Jul 2001, J. David Eisenberg wrote:

> Or just user head gap error?
> The following should give me the chemical formula for water, followed by
> Einstein's famous equation.  However, after each <tspan>, the letters
> don't return to the original baseline; I get permanent subscript and
> superscript.  This is using Batik 1.0 and Mandrake Linux 7.2 and
> JDK 1.3
> <text x="10" y="30" style="font-size:12pt;">
>     H<tspan dy="4">2</tspan>O
>     and e=mc<tspan dy="-4">2</tspan>.
> </text>
> If I read the spec correctly in section 10.5, the dy attribute should
> affect only the text within the <tspan>. Also submitted as Bugzilla #2501.
> ---
> J. David Eisenberg  http://catcode.com/
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