>>>>> "JDE" == J David Eisenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

JDE> On Tue, 24 Jul 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I've had a look at this and I don't believe it's a bug.  The dx and
>> dy tspan attributes simply adjust the "current text position" and
>> the adjustment is not reversed when a tspan ends. If you have a
>> look at the "But you are a peach!" tspan example in the spec, the
>> "a peach!" position is relative to the previous tspan.  Batik used
>> to have a bug where this adjustment was lost sometimes, but I fixed
>> this a while ago.

JDE> Well, if that's the way it works, that's the way it works. The
JDE> spec is possibly ambiguous, then, when it says about dx (and dy
JDE> working in a corresponding manner):


JDE> What bothers me, I guess, is that the child <tspan> can end, but
JDE> it still has an impact on the subsequent characters of the parent
JDE> element.  This happens almost nowhere else in SVG; when a child
JDE> element ends, its attributes normally are not visited upon the
JDE> parent.

     I agree with you that on the face of it it's a bit odd, but in
the end I think it makes sense, after all after the tspan ends the
current character position is updated to a point after the last
character of the tspan was drawn, if you had applied a dx to insert
some extra space I don't think you would want the text after the tspan
to overlap the end of the tspan.

     Bella is right you want to adjust the baseline.  In fact Jon
Ferriolo (the Adobe rep for the SVG WG, and editor of the 1.0 spec,
who knows a lot about the font stuff) recently stated that while dx,dy
often appear to be what you want they almost always end up being the
wrong thing, you should almost always use the higher level constructs
like baseline-adjust.

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