On further exploration, because there are element in a non-SVG namespace
between the whitespace text nodes, they shouldn't/couldn't be normalized.
Thus, the issue is that in the case of multiple child text nodes,
"stripfirst" will only apply to the first text node.  At first glance, this
would appear to be a bug.  Perhaps the "first" variable should be reset to
true upon encountering a non-text node or a node not in the SVG namespace.

We'll experiment a bit and see what happens in this case.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Bullotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 9:50 AM
To: batik-dev@xml.apache.org
Subject: RE: Whitespace Handling in Batik vs ASV

Looking at the source in SVGTextElementBridge.java, it would appear that
additional leading whitespace would not be properly stripped when there are
multiple child text nodes containing only whitespace (I believe this may be
due to the "first" boolean variable being outside the loop iterating the
child nodes and therefore incorrectly not setting "stripFirst" for text
nodes other than the first).

Assuming for a moment that somewhere in the SAXSVGDocumentFactory
implementation, DOM normalization is not occurring, two questions come to
mind, I tried adding an explicit call to doc.normalize(), to no avail.

Iterating for empty text nodes (and removing them), as Tonny has suggested,
would be a workaround, but a definite performance hit.

Open to any other suggestions...

Rick Bullotta
Lighthammer Software (http://www.lighthammer.com)

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas DeWeese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2004 1:44 PM
To: batik-dev@xml.apache.org
Subject: Re: Whitespace Handling in Batik vs ASV

Rick Bullotta wrote:

> A bit more information:
> It appears to be that the various viewers handle the 
> "xml:space=preserve" attribute.ASV and SharpVectorGraphics seem to 
> ignore it altogether, and Batik seems to honor it (somewhat), but still 
> converts linefeeds into spaces when preserve is not enabled.

    No it drops linefeeds when xml:space is set to "default" the
question is how child elements of the text element interact with
white space handling. So in your second case you have:

  [space 1]<element/>[space 2][text][space 3]

    So clearly "space 1" and "space 3" are to be eliminated
the question is what should happen to "space 2"?  Is it
part of leading space? or is it part of 'text'.  What if
element is a tspan/tref (even if empty?), what if it's a
glyphRef (which is always empty).  What if it has a
separate value for "xml:space"?  This is really quite complex.

    I don't actually think the specification is sufficiently
clear on the handling of child elements to properly implement
this.  One thing that really has me wondering is that is seems
to strongly imply that xml:space is only used on the root 'text'
element.  If this is the case then you could take a model where
all child 'text' is put in the string that is passed to the
collapsing function.  This would still leave a question of when
a string of whitespace is collapsed that has content from
multiple elements how does one style the resultant whitespace?
As well as how to treat glyphRef which doesn't have any real
text content associated.

BTW in the future it is best to post working examples.

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