Hello Jonathan

from what i've seen the invocation of the JFCUnit tests are producing the 
abending lll attribute causing the offense
It looks as if you'll need some session-management to determine who the culprit 
is here is an example:

execute JFCUnit-Test-Session1:
bash>grep --files-with-matches --recursive attribute
  JFCUnit produces attributes fu

execute JFCUnit-Test-Session2:
bash>grep --files-with-matches --recursive attribute
   JFCUnit produces attributes fubar

execute JFCUnit-Test-Session3:
bash>grep --files-with-matches --recursive attribute
   JFCUnit produces attributes lll

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From: jonathanshaww...@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 10:35:49 -0500
Subject: Re: Batik and JUnit
To: batik-users@xmlgraphics.apache.org

Can you share your initialization/document load routine and the handoff to 

On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 1:50 PM, shootist <kwilson4...@gmail.com> wrote:

I am attempting to run some unit tests under JFCUnit and JUnit.  I also have

a recorder that uses java robot to perform some tests.

Anytime I modify anything, or even sometimes just starting the code without

running any actual tests I get svg errors.  Sometimes It's just a null,

sometimes it tells me there is an invalid attribute (for example, I get an

error message saying "lll" is not a valid attribute for "pointer-events"),

and sometimes I get CSS exceptions.

I don't see anyplace in the code where I set any attribute to lll, and I

don't have any problems running the code.  This only happens within the unit


I suspect something strange is happening with threading, and the unit tests

are not waiting for the UpdateManager to complete, but no amount of sleep

calls seem to help.  Has anyone experienced these problems?


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