Hi Charles,

I'm not sure if this helps you, but I've found bbox to be flakey in some 
situations when the element you're using is text.  Of course, it might've been 
how I was doing things (likely), but if you're not after the bbox per se and 
just need some width measurement you could try getComputedTextLength().


On 21/02/2012, at 9:16 AM, Charles Seelig wrote:

Hello, all.

I'm wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction re: coaxing an 
SVGTextElement to return a correct bounding box when the text contains ISO 
encoded characters.

SVGDocument doc = makeSvgDocument(svgString);

SVGTextElement svgTextElement = (SVGTextElement) doc.getElementById("textID");


float width = svgTextElement.getBBox().getWidth();

My document is created as follows -

protected SVGDocument makeSvgDocument(String svgString) {

SVGDocument svgDoc = null;


GraphicsNode rootGN;

UserAgent userAgent    = new UserAgentAdapter();

DocumentLoader loader  = new DocumentLoader(userAgent);

BridgeContext ctx      = new BridgeContext(userAgent, loader);

GVTBuilder builder     = new GVTBuilder();

SAXSVGDocumentFactory factory = new 
SAXSVGDocumentFactory(SAXParser.class.getCanonicalName(), true);

try {

svgDoc = (SVGDocument) factory.createDocument("file:///dummy/dummy/file.svg", 
new StringReader(svgString));


rootGN = builder.build(ctx, svgDoc);

} catch (IOException e) {



return svgDoc;


It appears to me that the result (especially evident for width) is calculated 
as if the 1 character is actually 6 characters.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Charles Seelig

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