
FWIW, I thought timing was a problem too with bbox(), but when I was modifying 
text nodes (on a path) using UpdateManager and subsequently calling bbox it 
would fail (reproducibly and in the same way as not using UM) for certain 
strings.. would be interested to know though Martin if you found an approach 
that resulted in bbox working reliably?


On 21/02/2012, at 11:04 AM, Martin J wrote:

> Charles,
> bbox() is indeed tricky! Try doing it on rotated text, or worse, text
> on a path! However, your problem may only be a timing issue -- Batik
> only knows the bbox once the text has been rendered, and in your
> example there's probably not time for the renderer to have done its
> work when you interrogate the properties.
> Martin
> On 20 February 2012 22:16, Charles Seelig <> wrote:
>> Hello, all.
>> I'm wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction re: coaxing
>> an SVGTextElement to return a correct bounding box when the text contains
>> ISO encoded characters.
>> SVGDocument doc = makeSvgDocument(svgString);
>> SVGTextElement svgTextElement = (SVGTextElement)
>> doc.getElementById("textID");
>> svgTextElement.getFirstChild().setNodeValue("&#913;&#937;");
>> float width = svgTextElement.getBBox().getWidth();
>> My document is created as follows -
>> protected SVGDocument makeSvgDocument(String svgString) {
>> SVGDocument svgDoc = null;
>> @SuppressWarnings("unused")
>> GraphicsNode rootGN;
>> UserAgent userAgent    = new UserAgentAdapter();
>> DocumentLoader loader  = new DocumentLoader(userAgent);
>> BridgeContext ctx      = new BridgeContext(userAgent, loader);
>> GVTBuilder builder     = new GVTBuilder();
>> SAXSVGDocumentFactory factory = new
>> SAXSVGDocumentFactory(SAXParser.class.getCanonicalName(), true);
>> try {
>> svgDoc = (SVGDocument)
>> factory.createDocument("file:///dummy/dummy/file.svg", new
>> StringReader(svgString));
>> ctx.setDynamicState(BridgeContext.DYNAMIC);
>> rootGN =, svgDoc);
>> } catch (IOException e) {
>> e.printStackTrace();
>> }
>> return svgDoc;
>> }
>> It appears to me that the result (especially evident for width) is
>> calculated as if the 1 character is actually 6 characters.
>> Thank you.
>> Best regards,
>> Charles Seelig
> -- 
> From my MacBook Pro
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