PS: the SVG creating application is Visio! It adds some "private" markup
with v: namespace prefixes wich must not be lost when processing the svg!
Am 31.07.2013 18:15, schrieb Wulf Berschin:
Hi batik cracks,
as far I found out the CSS property baseline-shift is neither
supported by IE 9.0 nor yet by Firefox. Unfortunately I'm now not only
exposed these exotic (behaving) SVG renderers but mathematical
formulas with lots of superscripts and subscripts on the SVG side as
I'm now considering to create a small converter which transforms
"baseline-shift" CSS attributes into "dy" attributes. With some
efforts I could solve this in XML, but since I am lazy and eager to
use Batik I'd prefer some higher level API to use.
Could someone please light me the way how to do this with Batik?
Is my impression correct that I will need to use the GVT API?
Thank you!
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